Wholehearted.org’s mission is to foster understanding, connection, and awareness. Our organization specializes in connecting you to wellness, mental health, and lifestyle media.


I wholeheartedly agree with Susan. wholeheartedly adv adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (do [sth] completely, fully) helhjärtat adv adverb: Ord som beskriver verb och ibland adjektiv, t.ex.: "snabbt", "lyckligt". Lisa dived into the project

Immerse yourselfin epic scale. Participate wholeheartedly Hållbara lekar och spel. Håkan Gulliksson © 33 spelar för att  10 juli 2020 — I wholeheartedly think that love letters are top-tier romance and they should never be out of style. Pour your heart out on paper and I'll feel  expand_more I wholeheartedly support the amendments on on-board diagnostics and cold expand_more They deserve wholehearted support and should be  Cozy Minimalist Home is more than just a book about decorating; it is a manifesto of sorts that I wholeheartedly adopt as my own: more style with less stuff. If you are in Stockholm on a Sunday evening - I wholeheartedly recommend joining a service of the International Church of Stockholm. S:t Jacobs kyrka on  adj.

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Visa mer Visa mindre. 8. Mycket bra. Its something I wholeheartedly agree with.

Think of all the things I haven’t spent money on. Floss, baking soda, towels (you can get them free from your parents’ apartment), vegetables.

Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: wholeheartedly adv adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (sincerely, enthusiastically) totalmente adv adverbio: Describe al verbo, al adjetivo o a otro adverbio ("corre rápidamente", "sucede ahora", "muy extraño").: con todo el corazón loc adv locución

wholeheartedly synonyms, wholeheartedly pronunciation, wholeheartedly translation, English dictionary definition of wholeheartedly. adj. Marked by unconditional commitment, unstinting devotion, or unreserved enthusiasm: wholehearted approval. whole′heart′ed·ly adv.

I wholeheartedly

Information and translations of wholeheartedly in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. This method can be used IN ADDITION to 

I wholeheartedly

What does wholeheartedly mean? Information and translations of wholeheartedly in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Find 93 ways to say WHOLEHEARTEDLY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. When the war was in progress, England and France agreed wholeheartedly with the Fourteen Points. As soon as the war was won, England, France, and Italy tried to frustrate Wilson's program because it was in conflict with their imperialist policies.

2007 — I've just spent 1.5h this day before Christmas Eve doing something I wholeheartedly recommend everyone else to do as well - reading Bjorn  but I will meditate on your precepts.
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3. I subscribe wholeheartedly to this theory. 4. I can endorse their opinion wholeheartedly.
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Agrees wholeheartedly with the transparency policy advocated by the Ombudsman's office and calls for the introduction of a procedure to assess the possible impact of certain publications in advance, with a view to publishing them, along with an explanatory report, so as to avoid them being used in a biased way; points out that this procedure should be launched by the Ombudsman in cooperation

whole′heart′ed·ly adv. whole′heart′ed·ness n.

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Its something I wholeheartedly agree with. Its ok to put some FUN in our lives. Just because were grown ups doesnt mean we have to completely lose sight of 

#​3. Count_Dandyman · Visa profil Visa inlägg. 1 jan, 2019 @ 5:  His voice is extraordinarily rich and versatile and he sings with a passion that is quite perceptible. I wholeheartedly recommend this album. Read more. Helpful. 29 apr.

Wholeheartedly. Helhjärtat. I wholeheartedly agree. Jag håller med om det. We congratulate him wholeheartedly. Vi gratulerar honom å det varmaste. Enter this​ 

Mycket bra. Its something I wholeheartedly agree with. Its ok to put some FUN in our lives. Just because were grown ups doesnt mean we have to completely lose sight of  Furthermore, I wholeheartedly agree with Habgoods point that we should continue our discussion beyond ”games vs teachers” and focus on ”teachers + games”  I wholeheartedly recommend this book which has all these components." Robert af Jochnick, Co-founder of Oriflame a billion-dollar cosmetic company operating  27 okt. 2019 — Sometimes I wholeheartedly disagree with him. But that's what I love about Dave, what I love about art.” Each aspect of Chappelle's career was  31 dec.

🔊 We admired the way the new employee worked wholeheartedly, with full devotion to our company. 🔊 Charlie suggested that we not allow in anyone in that does not carry a badge, and I agreed with him wholeheartedly.