2020-09-24 · The Dow Jones Industrial Average is the most well-known share index in the USA. The Dow Jones was developed by Charles Henry Dow and originally contained just 12 American companies.


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A series of current and historical charts tracking major U.S. stock market indices. Charts of the Dow Jones, S&P 500, NASDAQ and many more.

In the US, major stock indices include the S&P 500 and the DJIA (Dow National Stock Market Indexes . National stock market indexes provide exposure to individual countries. In some cases, the equities in these indexes will consist entirely of large-cap stocks, similar to the Dow Jones Industrial Average in the U.S. 1,140.30.

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Financial index. Bank index. World stock markets continued a week-long sell-off on Friday as the threat of a U.S. government shutdown and further hikes in U.S. borrowing  Stock indices are simply a collection of stocks that moves according to the stocks held within it.